Welcome to The Lead Magnet Library! 

Your Home For Done-For-You-Marketing Resources For EntreprenEurs, Marketers, Bloggers and Others

The importance of lead magnets

We recognize the importance of a powerful lead magnet in building, growing your email list and boosting engagement.

We also understand that creating lead magnets takes time and is costly, that is why we've taken on the mission to create some for you. 

Our service is a game-changer for individuals like you, significantly increasing their lead generation and improving conversion rates. 

Take the leap with us and download your free lead magnets and watch as your email list grow.  

We have..

Only two plans. 

All work for you. And the second even better.


Grow your list with essential lead magnets


✔Inhouse created lead magnets

✔No log-in necessary

✔Download as much as you want from a limited and growing collection

✔Occasional ads or promotions


Boost your impact with premium lead magnets


✔Access to everything in FREE for life

✔Access the best premium member-only lead magnets

✔Download as much as you want from a larger and growing collection

✔Download both inhouse and independent creator made lead magnets

✔Distraction free-downloading experience


1. What is a lead magnet, and how can it benefit my business?

A lead magnet is a compelling document or medium designed to attract potential customers and capture their contact information for continued engagement. In marketing, these potential customers are commonly known as leads, hence the term "lead magnet."

For entrepreneurs, marketers, coaches and others, acquiring the contact details of a lead is crucial. The contact details enables the entrepreneur to educate and nurture their lead on how their business address the lead's problems and needs. The lead magnet goes a long way in helping entrepreneurs communicate to establish and maintain trust with their leads, an equally important aspect of the relationship.

2. Are the lead magnets on your site free to download?

Yes, lead magnets on our site are free to download. You may if you wish buy documents from our premium download page and use them as lead magnets as well.

3. How do I download a free lead magnet from The Lead Magnet Library?

To download you lead magnet:

(a) Head to the LEAD MAGNETS👇 page in the website menu above.

(b) Click on arrow on the right.

(c) Select the niche page that contain lead magnets you may be interested in.

(d) Download your preferred lead magnet.

4. What types of lead magnets are available in The Lead Magnet Library?

We offer a variety of lead magnets in the following niches; self-development, marketing, entrepreneurship, motivation, health and wellness, and coaching. Our lead magnets include eBooks, templates, checklists, worksheets, manifestos or personal declarations, etc.

5. How often are new lead magnets added to the library?

Every week we add two or more lead magnets. Depending on the load of work in the business, sometimes we add a lead magnet every two days. So keep engaging with the site to check on the latest lead magnets.

Also subscribe to our mail newsletter and blog to receive up to date information and tips on lead magnets.

6. Is registration required to download lead magnets?

Currently, the site is truly open so you don’t need to sign up or login to access the site or download lead magnets. But with time we may institute any login/signup mechanism for more control.

7. Can I submit my own lead magnet to be included in The Lead Magnet Library?

Yes, you can.

You can submit (a)picture of your lead magnet in PNG or JPG not more than 10MB (b) link to your downloadable lead magnet and (c)state type of the lead magnet, eg eBook, worksheet.  Then submit to info@theleadmagnetlibrary.com or mboiki@yahoo.com.

8. Are the lead magnets niche-specific, or do you cover a broad range of topics?

Our lead magnets are not industry-specific but cover range of niches and topics as stated in #4 above.

9. Do you offer support if I encounter issues with downloading or accessing lead magnets?

Yes, we are available from 0800-1700, Monday to Friday, Johannesburg, South Africa time. Email us on info@theleadmagnetlibrary.com

10. How can I stay updated on new additions and announcements from The Lead Magnet Library?

Subscribe to our email newsletter to stay informed about site updates and receive tips on the latest in email and SMS marketing and lead magnets.

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